Monday 3 February 2014

Brief 1 : Choosing the exhibition space at the Corn Exchange

The Corn Exchange

Today we went back to the Corn Exchange and chose what unit we wanted for the Dialogue exhibition. Overall there were five units to look at however there were only four that were a decent size to host an event at. All units were on the ground floor which will be great for traffic as it isn't too far away from the entrance, plus there is wheel chair access.

Unit 1

The first unit was a small square space, with decent wall space and double doors. The floor was also particularly nice as it was grey stone which could easily be cleaned etc. 

The unit was too small so we decided against it. 

Unit 2

The second unit had a double room which looked promising as there were some decent wall space. And the divide in the middle made it feel larger which meant there could be more room for more work / people. The wooden flooring looked really nice too, including the double door which allows us to open up the unit.

However there were low cielings and hanging wire which could be a health hazard. Unfortunately there were ugly electricity boxes exposed on the wall, taking up valuable wall space. Some of the walls were in poor shape too.

Unit 3

Unit 3 looked really promising as there was a great glass window on the outside which could be used for vinyl stickers / posters. It was the cleanest out of all the units, as the white wooden floor was quirky and the carpet was clean. The unit was also split into two, however this time the second room was upstairs which had great wall space and features such as a fire place and wall alcoves (same downstairs)

Sadly the decor in the unit was not to our taste as we were unable to take down the purple floral wallpaper and strip out the purple carpet. These features would clash with our exhibition therefore we were unable to choose the unit. 

Unit 4

The final unit proved to be the winner as it was the largest space that was offered us. It had high ceilings and big windows that let in a lot of light.

The floor needs painting however we have got permission to paint over the mess.
The wall space is amazing which will allow us to put up work / play around with lighting


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