Friday, 27 December 2013

Brief 17: Edible type : Competition Day

We present our final entry in a metal tin filled with Ice to create that summer time feeling but in the winter. The standard of work entered in years competition was amazing. The first year's really went all out! Unfortunately this just we didn't place.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Brief 17 : Edible Type : Packaging Design

Net's for the packaging, the net was a simple wrap or fold around the Ice Lolly which was then fixed with double sided tape. The top and bottom were then affix together with the stickiness of the packaging itself which what a revealable sticky surface, making a candy bar like wrapper for the lollies.

Brief 11: Union Jack

We were told to look at the work of Build in London for some inspiration in creating a stronger data-driven flag:

The arrangement in all of these examples is very industrial and complicated, but with simple building blocks making up every design. There is a strong sense of order and organisation running through all of their work and the colour is always used sparingly. This kind of aesthetic could definitely suit a radical overhaul of the union flag.

Through our experiments we found that converting data into shapes for this project was producing quite raw and industrial graphics anyway and that with better organisation and presentation we could find an innovative solution to the brief.

Brief 1 : Yoke christmas submission boards

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Brief 1 : Preparing invites

Our exhibition is about creating dialogue so we like the idea of using envelopes with a twist. For example the envelope below will be sewn around the edges so you have to make the conscious effort to tear it open. The attention to detail is great and it really engages a memorable mail shot. Inside the mail shot will a screen printed post card attched (through the use of slots)to a double sided leaflet outlining what Dialogue is, along with the specifications of the brief.

Our aim is to produce and send out the invites after Christmas as we worry that people would forget about the exhibition over christmas and wont submit. 

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Brief 17 : Edible type : Crafting

To craft the lollies we made cardboard moulds, in which we poured blended yoghurt into to form the lolly based. The craft there form we used cake cutter to craft the shape of the type, we left these to freeze before placing them on the yoghurt and then refreezing. Packaging was crafted from silver foil and we displayed our submission in a metal basket of ice along with a poster.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Brief 7 : Ely Harvest festival

My work in the local newspaper

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Brief 17 : Edible type : Visual Research

In order to craft our packaging for our entry we researched into a range of illustrations style to depict the different flavours of ice lolly that we would be crafting.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Brief 11 : Union Jack research

We did some research into British and UK alternative flags and found some really interesting use cases:

The Northern Irish county flags are simple two-colour flags divided down the middle. We really liked this construction and could see it working as a basis for a new flag.

These naval flags were also of particular interest, showing the unity of separate nations on one flag.

We tried to utilise this kind of format for the new flag but came into difficulties when we realised Scotland would have to be removed, leaving 4 sections to be filled by 3 flags, and giving one flag twice the space of the others wouldn't represent unity so we had to drop this idea.

We looked at the idea of representing equality of all 3 countries and used colour separated thirds to do this. This worked as both circles and square so we used the N. Irish county format to include both in an unusual flag arrangement:

The negative space was being wasted on the flag so we used the waves found in some world flags to represent our positioning as an island. This looked too busy however so we used a block blue to serve this purpose and this made the flag cleaner.

We also wanted to inducate how this format would work in colony flags such as Australia's:

Brief 11: Crit Boards

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The crit took the form of a direct presentation to Ben and Martin from The Beautiful Meme. We talked through our boards and they were both drawn to one of our early attempts to use data to inform the construction of the flag. They told us that this was a very different approach They much preferred this to the concept we had presented as our final idea. We agreed that our final idea was a bit rushed and ended up lacking as a result. Their feedback was that our final flag didn't feel British any more, which was true. They suggested that we go back to our data flag idea and try and be slightly looser with our use of the data. They loved the idea of making shapes which were proportioned to the landmass of each country and said that we should look at the work of Build in London for some examples of this type of work. By being less exact with our proportions, they thought that we would be able to make something more aesthetic but still informed.

I found this crit really helpful. We have both found this to be a difficult brief, especially given the short deadline and other constraints on time at this point in the year. They were able to give us some direction and help us to move the brief forward when we were stuck on it. Our next step will be to go back to the drawing board and try and implement these changes.

Brief 11 : TBM Union Jack Flag

This was the concept that was most strongly favoured in the crit, which used data on all of the counties of England, Wales and N. Ireland and converted this into proportional squares ranked in size order. We needed to take this information and make it looser and more aesthetically appealing for the flag.

We tranced a line from the bottom-most point to the topmost to make smoother triangles and rounded the corners to give a softer look.

We played around with making the composition more angluar

Duplicating to make proportional patters

Curving these shapes like a waving flag

After these experiments we still weren't at all happy with the constructions and decided to strip the idea back completely to its simplest and represent the UK with 3 proportional lines. We felt that this looked a lot cleaner and friendly than the harsh triangles we had been trying to arrange, but still created a very different solution to the brief.