Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Brief 1 : Yoke : Submission Presentation

As part of releasing the brief, we wanted to talk to people within college specifically on the Graphic Design course. So we put together a presentation which outlines where the idea of the exhibition came from, the intentions of the exhibition, how you can get involved and the specification of the submission.

We plan to talk to all three years about the exhibition and the submission. So far we have spoken to First and third years. In both presentations the idea of the exhibition went down really well, everyone seemed interested in it and were asking lots of questions about it.

In the third year presentation we gave out invitations to each person within the year. For each invitation we personalised them by writing everyones name on the back. This again was received well and made it individual to everyone, which they all loved. A great success and many started to tweet and instagram about the exhibition and the invites.

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